Imagine me… beyond what you see

beyond what you see

To all outward appearances, you look like you have got it all figured out. Academic life on point, work promotion locked down, supportive friends and family who always have your back. Too bad no one can see your insides- plagued by insecurity and fear, you battle through every day by controlling your diet and exercise as a way to shrink your larger-than-life feelings down to a manageable size. But it doesn't last. Every day, the same war is waged. You know that life should feel better than this, but you can’t imagine how things could be different than they are. 

LIFT’s specialized team is devoted to helping individuals learn how to finally deal with emotional pain and distress. We work with clients to build better relationships with food, body, and exercise. We believe that peace with food and body are our birthright, and we’re ready to begin helping you uncover possibilities you haven’t previously considered. 

Make no mistake- there is work entailed. But you are ready. You’re tired of yo-yo dieting and fighting against cravings and urges. You’re tired of punishing your body with excessive movement for indulging. You’re done working so hard to be perfect, but in your own mind, having it add up to ‘never enough.’ 

You should know that we practice from an “all foods fit” and Health At Every Size ® approach, which means we believe that all foods can be good, that there are no bad foods, and that all bodies, both big and small, can be healthy and fit. The latest scientific evidence indicates that variety and moderation are the keys to a balanced lifestyle. We will not rest until you, and all of our clients, organically know that they are worthy of love, appreciation, approval and kindness, and that it is our culture of superficiality, body shaming and thin privilege that need to change, not you. Many clients come to us with lifelong internalized trauma from a longstanding history of rejection, judgment and misguided advice from medical professionals, the media, peers, and loved ones. For your information:

  1. Having fat doesn’t mean you are fat. Having fingernails doesn’t mean you are fingernails.

  2. Fat doesn’t diminish your worth, and should never diminish your enjoyment of your physical body.  

We at LIFT use evidence-based practices to assist clients in learning how to manage anorexia, bulimia, food addiction, binge eating disorder, emotional eating, compulsive overeating, restrictive eating, compulsive over-exercise, disordered eating, and body image. If you are ready to schedule a session or a consultation appointment with a team member, call us today.