Depression Therapy

Do You Find Yourself Pulling Away From Normal Life?

Are you struggling with a lack of energy and motivation?

Have you been isolating more than usual and turning down social invitations?

Do you feel too sad and exhausted to enjoy the things you normally love?

Depression makes everything feel like a chore, even your favorite hobbies and activities. You might find yourself sleeping the day away, skipping meals, and avoiding friends and family. Perhaps you suffer from feelings of guilt or worthlessness, as if you don’t deserve love, acceptance, and happiness. For the first time, you might be thinking that it’s time to see a therapist who treats depression.

You May Not Even Realize Your Symptoms Are The Result Of Depression

sad man

After all, depression is often subtle in the way it affects the mind and body. In addition to feeling sad or empty, you might be anxious, irritable, restless, or on edge. Maybe you’re suffering from cramps, headaches, digestive problems, and other aches and pains. Yet there seems to be no clear cause for your symptoms and no medical treatment seems to help.

On your own, it’s hard to connect all the dots of depression. But with the help of a skilled and compassionate therapist, you can get to the bottom of your symptoms and reduce depression’s impact on your life. At Lift Wellness Group, we’re confident that we can help you regain the energy and motivation to improve your mood and live joyfully and abundantly.

Depression Is The Natural Result Of A Lonely And Isolated World

Roughly 15 million adults in the US suffer from a severe depressive episode each year.* In many ways, the commonness of depression in our culture is no surprise. Depression thrives in isolation, and American society has grown increasingly isolated over the years.

Because of our reliance on technology, many of us spend more time in front of screens than we do with each other. Although social media has made us more connected than ever before, it’s replaced face-to-face interaction in so many areas of everyday life. What’s more, the pandemic forced many of us to isolate from each other for the sake of our safety.

All of these factors have combined to make life lonely in our society today. And the lonelier we are, the easier it is to spiral down, lose perspective, and feel depressed. That’s why relationships are so essential to our mental health.

Many People In Our Area Suffer from High-Functioning Depression

In our area of lower Fairfield County, many people are ambitious high achievers who are gainfully employed yet struggling to contain their stress. They often have too much on their plate and too many unrealistic expectations to manage. Their extreme levels of stress make them more likely to crash and burn, which can lead to isolation and depression.

Therapy with Lift Wellness Group is a chance to let go of unrealistic expectations and just be yourself. By making room for self-care and prioritizing your mental health needs, you can relieve your stress and experience peace of mind.

Therapy Can Help You Take Small, Manageable Steps To Overcome Your Depression

You might tell yourself that you can just “power through” depression on your own. But since depression often takes away your energy and motivation, this is easier said than done. Rather than try to power through depression, therapy can help you break the healing process down into small, manageable steps. Over time, the little changes can create a huge difference and allow you to feel more energized and motivated again.

What To Expect In Depression Therapy Sessions

What we work on in counseling depends on how depression affects you. If depression affects you by causing you to miss deadlines, skip work, or say no to invitations, we can focus on helping you meet your goals, boost your mood, and increase feelings of self-efficacy. If depression makes you over-function, we can focus on ways to implement self-care, mindfulness, and balance.

No matter what your struggle with depression looks like, the goal is to help you understand how the condition works and give you the skills to improve your quality of life. We’ll explore any maladaptive coping strategies (such as a tendency to isolate or use substances when you’re depressed) and work together to replace these behaviors with coping strategies that are accessible, applicable, and healthy.

Tailoring Your Depression Treatment Plan

In addition to providing therapy, Lift Wellness Group has prescribers on staff who can administer medication. Generally speaking, combining talk therapy with medication management is the best practice for treating depression. That said, whether you choose to use medication is entirely your decision.

Our practice often uses Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to alleviate the symptoms depression. CBT can help you challenge the automatic thought patterns that are fueling your low mood. If you’ve always believed that you’re not good enough or not worthy of love, CBT can teach you to question these thoughts and see yourself in a more positive light.

We also draw from Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), which focuses more on practical skills for managing depression. DBT can help you come up with new ways to cope with distress and reduce the urge to isolate, use drugs, or engage in other destructive habits.

In the end, it’s important to remember that you’re not alone in your feelings and there is always hope. By combining evidence-based approaches with psychiatric care, were confident that we can help you get control of your depression and renew your sense of joy.

You May Have Some Concerns About Depression Therapy…

I don’t have the energy or motivation to come to therapy.

It’s normal to feel this way when you’re depressed. That’s why it’s helpful to break things down one step at a time. Instead of thinking so far ahead, we encourage you to focus on simply calling or emailing to schedule an intake session. We will make the process easier for you once the ball gets rolling. You don’t have to overwhelm yourself with the logistics—after all, therapy is a time to relax and focus on self-care.

I’m ashamed about coming to therapy because I’m not in a good place in my life.

There is no perfect time to come to therapy. We accept all clients no matter where they are in their lives. There’s no shame in being able to raise your hand and say, “I need help.” If anything, the fact that you’re struggling is a good reason to come to therapy.

I’ve been in therapy before and it didn’t work.

Many of our clients come to us saying they’ve had a long treatment history with not-so-great outcomes. Sometimes that’s because the approaches used weren’t helpful or the client/therapist rapport wasn’t strong enough. If any of those things were issues in the past, it’s important to let the practitioner know so that accommodations can be made. Our therapists draw from a wide range of approaches and life experiences, so we believe that we can find something that works for you.

You Deserve To Live Joyfully And Abundantly

Depression doesn’t have to hold you back in life. With the right support, you can learn to manage your symptoms and embrace a more joyful future. To connect with one of our depression therapists, use the contact form or call our intake number at 203-908-5603.


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Phone: (203) 908-5603

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