Showing Yourself Love this Valentine’s Day ❤️


For some, Valentine’s Day is a dreaded annual tradition of dashed expectations. Although a traditional outlook on Valentine’s Day puts pressure on your partner to deliver your love language on a silver platter along with a flowers, cards and candy, the holiday can take on a more empowering narrative, should you choose to let it. This year, whether you’re single, married, dating, or in a complicated relationship, making Valentine’s Day an expression of SELF-LOVE will give this holiday a new and promising twist! At LIFT, we choose to focus on self-love this Valentine’s Day. 

Here are a few ideas on how to implement self-love strategies this V-Day:


Self-care activities are an absolutely essential means of relieving stress. Adding self-care to your daily routine is an integral way to combat burnout, and there’s no better day to begin than this annual celebration of love. Self-care can be something as simple as watching a favorite TV show, setting up an at home spa complete with face masks and a soothing tub, making a gratitude list in a journal, chatting with a friend, taking a nap, playing with a pet, engaging in a creative pursuit, or taking a walk outside. We need self-care throughout the day to manage our stress levels and to promote our physical and mental health. You can make this February 14th extra special by giving yourself a self-care treat that you don’t regularly get to enjoy. Further, we recommend writing down a few trusted self care activities and starting EVERY day by picking one simple practice to honor and appreciate your relationship with the forever love of your life: you! 


Self-affirmations are encouraging statements that help challenge negative thought processes. Repeatedly saying an affirmation can create a shift in your mindset. The more you use that phrase, the more likely you are to start believing it and acting in ways that make a positive difference. This Valentine’s Day you can focus on self-love by picking a self-affirmation that you would like to work on. Some examples of self-affirmations are: “I am lovable and capable,” “I am learning to love myself,” “The more I love myself, the more I am able to love others,” “I am choosing to be kind to myself,” “I deserve happiness and joy.” Let these mantras float through your mind all day, soothing you and softening your heart as you go about your busy schedule. 


Be your own Valentine! 

If you do not have a romantic partner this Valentines (or even if you do,) please, be your own! Make yourself a Valentine’s Day card by listing all of the things you love about yourself. Writing down what you love about yourself is a way to bring positivity and gratitude to the very forefront of your day. Treat yourself to something heart-warming, like your favorite chocolates, flowers, or a token that represents your commitment to your growth and intrinsic value. Make an effort to practice self-acceptance and unconditional positive self regard all day, and see how that feels. Does it yield a bit of extra self-compassion? Maybe more empathy for others? We all deserve to feel comfortable in our skin, and to experience our own warmth, kindness, forgiveness, love, respect, and affection. Tokens and objects are a symbolic way of demonstrating this, but time spent enjoying and appreciating your own company is even more meaningful. Being your own Valentine puts into practice the innate and powerful belief that you are worthy, valuable, and deserving of happiness. 

We hope you truly enjoy this day of loving yourself, because we love you!