Eating Disorder

Body positivity feeling too lofty a goal? Embrace body neutrality instead.

Body positivity feeling too lofty a goal? Embrace body neutrality instead.

Here in the heat and the heart of summer, some clients and community members have reported facing internal struggles with body image. We’ve listened to clients share their goals of achieving body positivity, and difficulties achieving this aim. The Lift team would like to introduce a new concept (or remind you of one you may have forgotten,) by suggesting our clients consider embracing body neutrality over body positivity.

Binge Eating Disorder (For Parents)

Almost everyone occasionally finds comfort in food and overeats on occasion. This is totally normal and typical for the fast paced, stressful world that we live in today. Emotional eating can be a way of sometimes coping with stress and is part of normal life. On the other hand, individuals struggling with Binge Eating Disorder (BED) may experience this at a more frequent and extreme level.

LIFT Announces Launch of New Parent Training and Peer Support Groups

You’re the first to know of this new virtual programming, beginning April 26 We at LIFT are happy to announce the long-awaited launch of a new weekly training and support group for parents and loved ones of individuals suffering from eating disorders. As part of our mission to improve eating disorder quality of care, we are especially passionate about providing family support and education.

So Your Child Has an Eating Disorder. What Now?

We at LIFT understand that approaching the topic of food with children can be daunting for parents. While we can’t predict our children’s reactions, parents remain the most reliable support for their children, and early intervention has proven to be one of the strongest indicators of recovery. Eating disorders are serious disorders and trying for everyone involved. Support for each family member through this time can be crucial to full and successful recovery.

National Eating Disorders Awareness (NEDA) Week: What It Is, and Why It Matters

The week of February 24 to March 1 marks National Eating Disorder Awareness (NEDA) week.

The 2020 theme for #NEDAwareness is “Come as You Are: Hindsight is 20/20.” This year’s theme is meant to convey that everyone’s story — no matter their identity or where they are on their journey to self-acceptance — is valid and worthy of representation. NEDA hopes that this theme will encourage people to reflect on any positive steps (regardless of how small) they have taken toward accepting themselves.

Four Common Types of Eating Disorders

Four Common Types of Eating Disorders

Eating Disorders are an array of mental disorders that display unusual eating behaviors or habits with serious health consequences.  They are quite prevalent, affecting more than 24 million Americans.     

All eating disorders are rooted in an obsession with food, the shape of one’s body or body weight. 

These mental disorders affect people physically, psychologically and socially and they can be fatal.  Eating disorders are the leading cause of death in teenagers in the U.S.   

The symptoms of eating disorders are food restriction, binges on food, and purging by vomiting or by over-exercising.  

A Tailored Approach to Recovery from Food And Weight Issues

Do you or someone you know struggle in your relationship to food and body?

As a Certified Eating Disorder Specialist and a Licensed Marital and Family Therapist, I look at eating issues from both an intrapsychic and interpersonal framework. Your relationship with food and body does not merely impact you: it affects family dynamics, romanic relationships, career aspirations and parenting outcomes. Your food choices and amounts send a message about your self estimation to bosses, friends and loved ones.

Are you sick and tired of continuing to battle against your body? Whether you are facing a clinical eating disorder such as anorexia, bulimia or binge eating disorder, or struggling with repeated dysfunctional patterns relating to food, exercise and body image, I will co-create a personalized action plan with you that sets you towards revolutionizing current behavior and unleashes a healthier, happier you.

Eating is a family affair. As the former director of a residential eating disorder treatment center,  I have expertise in treating food issues and body loathing, while triaging families in crisis. Children and adolescents take cues about food from parents, loved ones and peers. Often the entire family is in need of a reassessment of eating patterns. In these cases, I will gently work with you to get your family back on track. My approach is nonjudgmental and meet-you-where-you’re-at. Therapy is a journey that we are on together, and the goal is insight that drives behavioral change and an improved quality of life.

More than ever, societal demands place pressure on both sexes to maintain an unachievable physical ideal. Throughout the media, we see proof that Americans are obsessed with extreme food and exercise behavior. Our culture is obsessed with food: simultaneously glorifying and demonizing it. Learn to break free of the yo-yo of extreme eating and exercise behaviors, while finding balance and enjoyment in food, and love for your body.

I collaborate with the premier eating disorder experts in Fairfield County: registered dietitians, medical doctors and other specialists. I conduct comprehensive assessments of clients to determine a course of action that meets their specific needs and engage professional resources to support clients in their recovery process.

If you needed oral surgery, you would want a specialist to perform the procedure. Do not go to a generalist for help with you or your loved ones food and body issues. This is my field and my training is sophisticated and formatted to meet your unique situation.

Your life can be richer and more joyful. Your relationship with food and your body matters. You matter. I am waiting to take your call for a free phone consultation. Let’s talk change today.

Click here for more information on Eating Disorder Treatment.